Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sweet Home Alabama

I am in Birmingham, AL with my husband, Randy and his majesty, Truffles. We arrived on Saturday, October 11, 2008. We left Lafayette, IN around 8:30 am. We had to stop more often to walk Truffles so it took a little longer to get here. Randy has been doing a contract job here since the begining of September. This job will be finished at the end of October.
The weather is very nice and sunny. In the evenings sometimes it is cool. My favorite weather is when it is cool.

Mary Charles Doll Shop
Birminham, AL

This past weekend we went to a doll douse miniature shop called. Mary Charles Dolls. It is on Petticoat Lane in Birmingham. The only miniature shop in Alabama. If you like dolls or miniatures this is the place to go. Mary has had this shop for thirty years. They are very helpful and friendly. She has a fantastic Barbie Doll Collection. I absolutely loved this shop!!!

I am working on a doll house minature Quilt Store, called "The Quilted Apple Tree". It is six rooms and an attic and I have been having a blast doing it. My good friend, Darle Griffith has been helping me and giving her input. She is a very multi talented lady. I have over 500 bolts of fabric in my shop. When my shop is finished I will take it to my quilt guilds Common Threads Quilt Guild Lafayette,IN and Old Tippecanoe Quilt Guild West Lafayette, IN for show and tell.

The Quilted Apple Tree Miniature Shop
1744 SunApple Way
Sun Valley, CA
(Not Real address)
We tried going to "The QuiltMaker Quilt Store, but we couldn't find it and both phone numbers were disconnected. I was so disappointed. We had Truffles in the kennel so we could sight see or whatever and it was our only weekend to go out and do something. We did go to a Hobby Lobby and I found some great clearance fabric for $2 a yard 9 1/8 yds for backing and a pillowcase.
we also went to a Hancock Fabrics and I bought some fat quarters. We then went to Dale's Southern Grill for dinner. It was really good. Then back to the Mariott Residence Inn to start a new week.

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