Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers Day

Today my middle son brought me a bouquet of lavender and purple flowers that we put in a vase, and a really cute card. (He loves funny cards. )

The loml and I went to the McDonalds redbox and rented some movies to watch. Since it is cold and rainy outside we are going to snuggle and watch them. We rented 27 Dresses, PS I love You, No Reservations, Dan In Real Life, and Over Her Dead Body. I guess most of them are kind of chick flicks. I got to choose since I'm the MOM :)

I had planned on taking pictures of the quilt tops that I finished in MD . I was going to hang them on the clothes line to get good pictures, but the rain stopped that plan. Maybe tommorrow.


Ruthie said...

Can't wait to see your photos.........

janetsue2 said...

At last the pictures are posted. let me know what you think.